2. Kremlin of Kolomna. It's interesting that on its territory there are ordinary residential buildings.
3. Nice combination of ancient and modern.
5. School.
7. Sculpture composition "The water carter".
8. Hotel on Moskva-river
9. President stayed in this hotel. And me too :-)
10. Pleasure motor boat "Anna-Maria"
11.Boat tour by Moskva-river and Oka
13. "Oka-22" on Oka
14. Lenin of Kolomna.
15. Another monument of city architecture.

16. Museum of pastila (traditional Russian confectionery). Kolomna claims to be the birthplace of original "white-foam" pastila and maintains a museum dedicated to history and traditions of pastila production.

17. Kolomna-style tea time

18. Delicious ice-cream, made according to old recipes

19. Museum of pastila factory

20. Baths

21. Lazhechnikov street

22. Art yard

23. Images of old Kolomna


25. Churches of Kolomna kremlin



28. Residential houses within kremlin.

29. Plastic window frames in combination with carved aprons look quite ridiculous.

30. You can also find windows like this

31. and like this

32. and even like this.

33. In whole, Kolomna is very welcoming city.

Source: maneken-pis.livejournal.com
Translation: Russia the Beautiful