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Russia the Beautiful

7 подписчиков

Vorkuta - city frozen in Soviet times

Vorkuta is a coal-mining town in the Komi Republic, Russia, situated just north of the Arctic Circle in the Pechora coal basin at the Usa River.

"67th parralel. Vorkuta" You can get there by plane or by train from Moscow or St. Petersburg, but they don't depart daily.

"Vorkuta mines the future of Russia!


"Storehouse of delicious cookies"

Pile house

Realy a lot of snow!

The city looks like if it still lives in times of socialism.

Vorkutaugol, one of the major coal producer in Russia. The building was formed as a piece of charcoal.

Monument to the discoverer of the Pecherskiy coal basin A. A. Chernov

Lenin street

Indigenous people agreed to pose for photo for money

Wedding car

People of Vorkuta use artificial sunlight to grow plants in their houses.

Thickness of snow...

Tundra is right behind the city

Monument to the victims of political repressions

This is where was located Rudnik - camp for prisoners.

"Glory to conquerors of the Polar Regions!"

"50 years of the October revolution"

Cars under the snow

Perfect technology of cleaning the streets from the snow

Vorkuta mechanic plant was established during WWII, and is still running.


"Glory to CPSU! Peace to the world!"

Bus station

Monument to the victory in WWII

Bas-relief of working miner

Aurora borealis!

Source: 3boi

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